** registration begins wednesday, january 22 **




Click here for 2025-2026 Registration Information

Preschool Director: Sally Stechmann


9AM - 1PM




INFORMATION AND PROCEDURES: Our goal is to provide children with a safe and positive environment in which learning is presented with an emphasis on fun, using the inborn abilities of the child and building from these.  We encourage creativity, divergent thinking and curiosity and instill reasoning and problem-solving skills, which are essential to a child's social, emotional and cognitive development.  At Tiny Tumblers children are busy learning all about the alphabet, letter sounds, numbers, shapes, learning centers, numbers, shapes, learning centers, arts-n-crafts, story time, show-n-tell, songs, sign language and more!  Children are also introduced to computers and work with developmentally appropriate software, which entertain as well as educate. Our Jurassic Gymnasium encourages the enjoyment of exercise and physical activity and, through this, self-confidence and good sportsmanship.  In this way, we support the development of the whole child and lay the foundation for great first experiences and positive successes, which lead to good self-esteem. 

PLACEMENT:  Children must turn 3 years old by August 1, 2025 and be fully potty trained to register.  All students will be grouped within the program by ages. 

GYMNASTICS: Children will participate daily in a 40-minute gymnastics and physical education class in our Jurassic Gymnasium and in our main facility as part of their curriculum.

TUITION: Payments are payable to NORTH SHORE GYMNASTICS.   Monthly tuition is due by the first of the month. A $5 late fee be charged if not paid by the 10th of the month. If your family has a change of plans, please bring a statement in writing notifying the pro-shop when your child's last day of class will be. This must be done at least 1 month prior to your last day to allow us to fill your spot. The May tuition that you paid up front will pay for that month.

REGISTRATION FEE: There are two fees due on the day of registration to reserve a spot in the Tiny Tumblers Program. First is a non-refundable registration fee. This fee includes a T-shirt, which should be worn daily and a school bag with your child's name. Second is the last month's (May) tuition. May tuition will be refunded if you cancel for any reason before August 1st. If you cancel after August 1st you need a 30-day written notification of cancellation given to the pro-shop and your last month's tuition will be applied to that month and therefore will NOT be refunded. There is no fee necessary in order to place your child's name on a waiting list.

SUPPLY FEE: One half of the supply fee is due with the first month's tuition and the other half is due with the January tuition. This fee includes the cost of most materials needed in school such as paint, tissues, snacks, etc. and a year subscription to "Let's Find Out" by Scholastic but also pizza for "Pizza Day", Thnaksgiving t-shirts and Mother's Day gifts!  

DRESS: Shorts with an elastic waist and school T-shirts are the most comfortable for the type of activity offered at Tiny Tumblers Preschool. Please do not wear shorts or pants with zippers as this type of attire scratches the bars causing them to chip. Since shoes must be removed in order to do gymnastics, we ask that the children wear shoes that they can put on and take off themselves (i.e. sandals, slip-ons, etc)

INSURANCE: Should your child sustain an injury while in our facility, our insurance acts as a supplemental insurance which covers 100% of any medical charge in excess of your own coverage, less the current deductible, which changes every year and over which we have no control.

DISCIPLINE: We like to practice positive reinforcement by praising a child's good behavior. Occasionally "time out" is needed due to inappropriate behavior. At this time, the teacher will discuss the situation with the child and allow him/her to gather thoughts and feelings and return to the group when ready. The Director will contact the parent if the behavior persists.

BIRTHDAY PARTIES: We will be happy to pass out birthday invitations if all classmates are invited. If not, you may use the class roster to mail them so as not to hurt any feelings.

HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: A current immunization report must be on file and updated annually. Furthermore, we ask you not to send your child to school if he/she has had any of the following symptoms or diseases: contagious cough, diarrhea, earache, fever, pink eye, nausea or vomiting, runny nose with yellow or green discharge, skin rash, chicken pox, impetigo, infectious conjunctivitis, mumps, measles, pin worm, ring worm or influenza.

LUNCH:  All children must bring a sack lunch and extra bottle of water.  The kids are allowed to bring their bottled water in the gym during their gym time. PLEASE make sure to LABEL it.

HOLIDAY AND EMERGENCY CLOSINGS:  TTPS follows the holiday emergency closing schedule of St. Tammany Parish School Board.  You can check their website at www.stpsb.org

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL:  August 11, 2025. Prorated cost for August is $235.00.  Orientation for both children and parents will be held on August 8th.



 Preschool Director: Sally Stechmann
Contact her at: sallyttps@gmail.com
Address: 1973 Sixth Street, Mandeville, LA, 70471
Phone: 985-624-8310